Payroll Module covers Hourly Payroll, Daily Payroll, Monthly Payroll Calculation, Recursive Pay Element, Payroll Deduction, Payroll Overtime Computation, Shift Allowance, Career Progression, Payment Group by Branch, TMS Import to Payroll, Payroll Initialization, Payroll printing or email Payslip, Audit Log, IR8A submission, IR21 submission, IRAS BIK, Bank submisson, CPF submission, reimbursement, CPF voluntary etc. |
Time Attendance Module covers Normal OT, OT1.5 and OT 2.0 rate, Flat rate OT, Early OT, Rounding OT hours, Offset OT: Overtime adjusted against the lateness, Minimum & maximum OT hours, Lunch or Dinner Break deductions, Duty Roaster, Auto Shift, Calendar Shift, Branch Shift, Special Allowance, Shift Allowance, export to Payroll, Import from TMS Machine, Clock Machine Management, Remote Access Clock Machine etc. |
Leave Module covers employees Leave Intiliaze, Leave application by Admin, Leave Submission by Employee themselve through intranet or internet Website, Leave Approval, Leave Rejection, Leave Cancellation, Leave Approval Flow, Public Holiday, Off In Lieu, Credit Leave, Medical Leave, Maternity Leave, Transfer Leave, Assign leave to Leave Groups, Leave Entitlement by Job Level, Approvers Delegation etc.